Monday, May 15, 2006
March 16th to March 18th 2006, Austin Texas, we finally made it! Traveling to Austin on tour with a band is pretty exciting, all of the other bands that you encounter on the road are traveling there too; it's a bit like the haj as all of the muslims go to Mecca, everyone is going there! The city has an electricity with outdoor parties going on, and music coming from every doorway.
There's a lot of interesting folks in Austin, and visiting Austin, I wish I had taken more pictures of the people that we encountered; here are some of them.
The Cool Groove, Austin Tx
The Cool Groove, Austin Tx
Home Slice Pizza, Austin Tx. Dr. Dog did something really cool for the last song of this set, they inducted the whole crowd in to the band and put them all on the stage for a big sing along, while moving their gear down the crowd. I've seen these guys maybe forty times and they always keep it fresh.
Friday, May 05, 2006
March 14th 2006, Dr. Dog left Memphis Tennessee imediately after their show at Young Ave. Deli and drove through the night across Mississippi and entered Louisiana at sunrise, they had to make Houston Texas for their show that night at Super Happy Funland; a very unusual hippie co-op type place with the managers of the club living there; everyone is very nice but very weird. One notable thing about Super Happy Funland is there are lots of couches and no one had to sleep on the floor that night!
Rest-stop East Texas
Rest-stop East Texas
Saturday, April 29, 2006
March 13 2006, it is a Monday night when we roll in to Memphis Tennessee, Dr. Dog is to play at The Young Avenue Deli. It's a big, open, place with pool tables and good food but it is Monday and not too busy. Dr. Dog has an ability to play to their audience in any kind of setting, they can perform before the most subdued audience (the kind with their arms determinedly crossed) and have them bobbing their heads by the end of the first song, and shouting for more by the end of their set. The band put as much in to the quiet Young Ave. Deli that night as they do at any other show.
Scott stitched a self-portrait on his back between Nashville and Memphis

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
March 11, 2006: Dr. Dog arrives in Nashville Tennessee; they are to play two shows that day; an in-store performance at Grimey's records, and then a show at Grimey's Basement that evening. Dr. Dog displayed their versatility and ability to keep things fresh by playing a subdued coffee-shop style show in the record store, and then a more electrifying performance that night in the basement.
In front of Grimey's Records Nashville, TN
In front of Grimey's Records Nashville, TN

March 12th 2006, Nashville Tennessee Dr. Dog enjoys a rare day off.
Scott chews on ginger to help his voice.
Scott chews on ginger to help his voice.

Toby felt his hair was affecting his Ping-Pong game so he thought a trim might cool him down and give him the winning edge.

Sunday, April 23, 2006
March 9, 2006 Cat's Cradle Carborro, NC Dr. Dog and Clap Your Hands jam during sound check.
Dr. Dog Spent the night at their friend Eric's house in Ralleigh, NC he's a great host and his house features a shooting range where you can shoot his numerous B.B. guns. The band spent the morning plinking before heading out for Atlanta.

Beer cans are a natural B.B. target